
Module iso8601

Available on crate feature parsing only.
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Rules defined in ISO 8601.


  • ExtendedKind πŸ”’
    What kind of format is being parsed. This is used to ensure each part of the format (date, time, offset) is the same kind.


  • day πŸ”’
    Parse a day of the month.
  • dayk πŸ”’
    Parse a day of the week.
  • dayo πŸ”’
    Parse a day of the year.
  • decimal_sign πŸ”’
    Parse a β€œdecimal sign”, which is either a comma or a period.
  • float πŸ”’
    Parse a floating point number as its integer and optional fractional parts.
  • hour πŸ”’
    Parse the hour.
  • min πŸ”’
    Parse the minute.
  • month πŸ”’
    Parse a month.
  • week πŸ”’
    Parse a week number.
  • year πŸ”’
    Parse a possibly expanded year.