
1//! Parse parts of an ISO 8601-formatted value.
3use num_conv::prelude::*;
5use crate::convert::*;
6use crate::error;
7use crate::error::ParseFromDescription::{InvalidComponent, InvalidLiteral};
8use crate::format_description::well_known::iso8601::EncodedConfig;
9use crate::format_description::well_known::Iso8601;
10use crate::parsing::combinator::rfc::iso8601::{
11    day, dayk, dayo, float, hour, min, month, week, year, ExtendedKind,
13use crate::parsing::combinator::{ascii_char, sign};
14use crate::parsing::{Parsed, ParsedItem};
16impl<const CONFIG: EncodedConfig> Iso8601<CONFIG> {
17    // Basic: [year][month][day]
18    // Extended: [year]["-"][month]["-"][day]
19    // Basic: [year][dayo]
20    // Extended: [year]["-"][dayo]
21    // Basic: [year]["W"][week][dayk]
22    // Extended: [year]["-"]["W"][week]["-"][dayk]
23    /// Parse a date in the basic or extended format. Reduced precision is permitted.
24    pub(crate) fn parse_date<'a>(
25        parsed: &'a mut Parsed,
26        extended_kind: &'a mut ExtendedKind,
27    ) -> impl FnMut(&[u8]) -> Result<&[u8], error::Parse> + 'a {
28        move |input| {
29            // Same for any acceptable format.
30            let ParsedItem(mut input, year) = year(input).ok_or(InvalidComponent("year"))?;
31            *extended_kind = match ascii_char::<b'-'>(input) {
32                Some(ParsedItem(new_input, ())) => {
33                    input = new_input;
34                    ExtendedKind::Extended
35                }
36                None => ExtendedKind::Basic, // no separator before mandatory month/ordinal/week
37            };
39            let parsed_month_day = (|| {
40                let ParsedItem(mut input, month) = month(input).ok_or(InvalidComponent("month"))?;
41                if extended_kind.is_extended() {
42                    input = ascii_char::<b'-'>(input)
43                        .ok_or(InvalidLiteral)?
44                        .into_inner();
45                }
46                let ParsedItem(input, day) = day(input).ok_or(InvalidComponent("day"))?;
47                Ok(ParsedItem(input, (month, day)))
48            })();
49            let mut ret_error = match parsed_month_day {
50                Ok(ParsedItem(input, (month, day))) => {
51                    *parsed = parsed
52                        .with_year(year)
53                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("year"))?
54                        .with_month(month)
55                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("month"))?
56                        .with_day(day)
57                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("day"))?;
58                    return Ok(input);
59                }
60                Err(err) => err,
61            };
63            // Don't check for `None`, as the error from year-month-day will always take priority.
64            if let Some(ParsedItem(input, ordinal)) = dayo(input) {
65                *parsed = parsed
66                    .with_year(year)
67                    .ok_or(InvalidComponent("year"))?
68                    .with_ordinal(ordinal)
69                    .ok_or(InvalidComponent("ordinal"))?;
70                return Ok(input);
71            }
73            let parsed_week_weekday = (|| {
74                let input = ascii_char::<b'W'>(input)
75                    .ok_or((false, InvalidLiteral))?
76                    .into_inner();
77                let ParsedItem(mut input, week) =
78                    week(input).ok_or((true, InvalidComponent("week")))?;
79                if extended_kind.is_extended() {
80                    input = ascii_char::<b'-'>(input)
81                        .ok_or((true, InvalidLiteral))?
82                        .into_inner();
83                }
84                let ParsedItem(input, weekday) =
85                    dayk(input).ok_or((true, InvalidComponent("weekday")))?;
86                Ok(ParsedItem(input, (week, weekday)))
87            })();
88            match parsed_week_weekday {
89                Ok(ParsedItem(input, (week, weekday))) => {
90                    *parsed = parsed
91                        .with_iso_year(year)
92                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("year"))?
93                        .with_iso_week_number(week)
94                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("week"))?
95                        .with_weekday(weekday)
96                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("weekday"))?;
97                    return Ok(input);
98                }
99                Err((false, _err)) => {}
100                // This error is more accurate than the one from year-month-day.
101                Err((true, err)) => ret_error = err,
102            }
104            Err(ret_error.into())
105        }
106    }
108    // Basic: ["T"][hour][min][sec]
109    // Extended: ["T"][hour][":"][min][":"][sec]
110    // Reduced precision: components after [hour] (including their preceding separator) can be
111    // omitted. ["T"] can be omitted if there is no date present.
112    /// Parse a time in the basic or extended format. Reduced precision is permitted.
113    pub(crate) fn parse_time<'a>(
114        parsed: &'a mut Parsed,
115        extended_kind: &'a mut ExtendedKind,
116        date_is_present: bool,
117    ) -> impl FnMut(&[u8]) -> Result<&[u8], error::Parse> + 'a {
118        move |mut input| {
119            if date_is_present {
120                input = ascii_char::<b'T'>(input)
121                    .ok_or(InvalidLiteral)?
122                    .into_inner();
123            }
125            let ParsedItem(mut input, hour) = float(input).ok_or(InvalidComponent("hour"))?;
126            match hour {
127                (hour, None) => parsed.set_hour_24(hour).ok_or(InvalidComponent("hour"))?,
128                (hour, Some(fractional_part)) => {
129                    *parsed = parsed
130                        .with_hour_24(hour)
131                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("hour"))?
132                        .with_minute((fractional_part * Second::per(Minute) as f64) as _)
133                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("minute"))?
134                        .with_second(
135                            (fractional_part * Second::per(Hour) as f64 % Minute::per(Hour) as f64)
136                                as _,
137                        )
138                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("second"))?
139                        .with_subsecond(
140                            (fractional_part * Nanosecond::per(Hour) as f64
141                                % Nanosecond::per(Second) as f64) as _,
142                        )
143                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("subsecond"))?;
144                    return Ok(input);
145                }
146            };
148            if let Some(ParsedItem(new_input, ())) = ascii_char::<b':'>(input) {
149                extended_kind
150                    .coerce_extended()
151                    .ok_or(InvalidComponent("minute"))?;
152                input = new_input;
153            };
155            let mut input = match float(input) {
156                Some(ParsedItem(input, (minute, None))) => {
157                    extended_kind.coerce_basic();
158                    parsed
159                        .set_minute(minute)
160                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("minute"))?;
161                    input
162                }
163                Some(ParsedItem(input, (minute, Some(fractional_part)))) => {
164                    // `None` is valid behavior, so don't error if this fails.
165                    extended_kind.coerce_basic();
166                    *parsed = parsed
167                        .with_minute(minute)
168                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("minute"))?
169                        .with_second((fractional_part * Second::per(Minute) as f64) as _)
170                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("second"))?
171                        .with_subsecond(
172                            (fractional_part * Nanosecond::per(Minute) as f64
173                                % Nanosecond::per(Second) as f64) as _,
174                        )
175                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("subsecond"))?;
176                    return Ok(input);
177                }
178                // colon was present, so minutes are required
179                None if extended_kind.is_extended() => {
180                    return Err(error::Parse::ParseFromDescription(InvalidComponent(
181                        "minute",
182                    )));
183                }
184                None => {
185                    // Missing components are assumed to be zero.
186                    *parsed = parsed
187                        .with_minute(0)
188                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("minute"))?
189                        .with_second(0)
190                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("second"))?
191                        .with_subsecond(0)
192                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("subsecond"))?;
193                    return Ok(input);
194                }
195            };
197            if extended_kind.is_extended() {
198                match ascii_char::<b':'>(input) {
199                    Some(ParsedItem(new_input, ())) => input = new_input,
200                    None => {
201                        *parsed = parsed
202                            .with_second(0)
203                            .ok_or(InvalidComponent("second"))?
204                            .with_subsecond(0)
205                            .ok_or(InvalidComponent("subsecond"))?;
206                        return Ok(input);
207                    }
208                }
209            }
211            let (input, second, subsecond) = match float(input) {
212                Some(ParsedItem(input, (second, None))) => (input, second, 0),
213                Some(ParsedItem(input, (second, Some(fractional_part)))) => (
214                    input,
215                    second,
216                    round(fractional_part * Nanosecond::per(Second) as f64) as _,
217                ),
218                None if extended_kind.is_extended() => {
219                    return Err(error::Parse::ParseFromDescription(InvalidComponent(
220                        "second",
221                    )));
222                }
223                // Missing components are assumed to be zero.
224                None => (input, 0, 0),
225            };
226            *parsed = parsed
227                .with_second(second)
228                .ok_or(InvalidComponent("second"))?
229                .with_subsecond(subsecond)
230                .ok_or(InvalidComponent("subsecond"))?;
232            Ok(input)
233        }
234    }
236    // Basic: [±][hour][min] or ["Z"]
237    // Extended: [±][hour][":"][min] or ["Z"]
238    // Reduced precision: [±][hour] or ["Z"]
239    /// Parse a UTC offset in the basic or extended format. Reduced precision is supported.
240    pub(crate) fn parse_offset<'a>(
241        parsed: &'a mut Parsed,
242        extended_kind: &'a mut ExtendedKind,
243    ) -> impl FnMut(&[u8]) -> Result<&[u8], error::Parse> + 'a {
244        move |input| {
245            if let Some(ParsedItem(input, ())) = ascii_char::<b'Z'>(input) {
246                *parsed = parsed
247                    .with_offset_hour(0)
248                    .ok_or(InvalidComponent("offset hour"))?
249                    .with_offset_minute_signed(0)
250                    .ok_or(InvalidComponent("offset minute"))?
251                    .with_offset_second_signed(0)
252                    .ok_or(InvalidComponent("offset second"))?;
253                return Ok(input);
254            }
256            let ParsedItem(input, sign) = sign(input).ok_or(InvalidComponent("offset hour"))?;
257            let mut input = hour(input)
258                .and_then(|parsed_item| {
259                    parsed_item.consume_value(|hour| {
260                        parsed.set_offset_hour(if sign == b'-' {
261                            -hour.cast_signed()
262                        } else {
263                            hour.cast_signed()
264                        })
265                    })
266                })
267                .ok_or(InvalidComponent("offset hour"))?;
269            if extended_kind.maybe_extended() {
270                if let Some(ParsedItem(new_input, ())) = ascii_char::<b':'>(input) {
271                    extended_kind
272                        .coerce_extended()
273                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("offset minute"))?;
274                    input = new_input;
275                };
276            }
278            match min(input) {
279                Some(ParsedItem(new_input, min)) => {
280                    input = new_input;
281                    parsed
282                        .set_offset_minute_signed(if sign == b'-' {
283                            -min.cast_signed()
284                        } else {
285                            min.cast_signed()
286                        })
287                        .ok_or(InvalidComponent("offset minute"))?;
288                }
289                None => {
290                    // Omitted offset minute is assumed to be zero.
291                    parsed.set_offset_minute_signed(0);
292                }
293            }
295            // If `:` was present, the format has already been set to extended. As such, this call
296            // will do nothing in that case. If there wasn't `:` but minutes were
297            // present, we know it's the basic format. Do not use `?` on the call, as
298            // returning `None` is valid behavior.
299            extended_kind.coerce_basic();
301            Ok(input)
302        }
303    }
306/// Round wrapper that uses hardware implementation if `std` is available, falling back to manual
307/// implementation for `no_std`
308fn round(value: f64) -> f64 {
309    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
310    {
311        value.round()
312    }
313    #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
314    {
315        round_impl(value)
316    }
319#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
321fn round_impl(value: f64) -> f64 {
322    debug_assert!(value.is_sign_positive() && !value.is_nan());
324    let f = value % 1.;
325    if f < 0.5 {
326        value - f
327    } else {
328        value - f + 1.
329    }