1//! Macros to construct statically known values.
3/// Construct a [`Date`](crate::Date) with a statically known value.
5/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations.
7/// Three formats are supported: year-week-weekday, year-ordinal, and year-month-day.
9/// ```rust
10/// # use time::{Date, Weekday::*, Month, macros::date};
11/// assert_eq!(
12/// date!(2020 - W 01 - 3),
13/// Date::from_iso_week_date(2020, 1, Wednesday)?
14/// );
15/// assert_eq!(date!(2020-001), Date::from_ordinal_date(2020, 1)?);
16/// assert_eq!(
17/// date!(2020-01-01),
18/// Date::from_calendar_date(2020, Month::January, 1)?
19/// );
20/// # Ok::<_, time::Error>(())
21/// ```
22pub use time_macros::date;
23/// Construct a [`PrimitiveDateTime`] or [`OffsetDateTime`] with a statically known value.
25/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations.
27/// The syntax accepted by this macro is the same as [`date!`] and [`time!`], with an optional
28/// [`offset!`], all space-separated. If an [`offset!`] is provided, the resulting value will
29/// be an [`OffsetDateTime`]; otherwise it will be a [`PrimitiveDateTime`].
31/// [`OffsetDateTime`]: crate::OffsetDateTime
32/// [`PrimitiveDateTime`]: crate::PrimitiveDateTime
34/// ```rust
35/// # use time::{Date, Month, macros::datetime, UtcOffset};
36/// assert_eq!(
37/// datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00),
38/// Date::from_calendar_date(2020, Month::January, 1)?.midnight()
39/// );
40/// assert_eq!(
41/// datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00 UTC),
42/// Date::from_calendar_date(2020, Month::January, 1)?.midnight().assume_utc()
43/// );
44/// assert_eq!(
45/// datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00 -1),
46/// Date::from_calendar_date(2020, Month::January, 1)?.midnight()
47/// .assume_offset(UtcOffset::from_hms(-1, 0, 0)?)
48/// );
49/// # Ok::<_, time::Error>(())
50/// ```
51pub use time_macros::datetime;
52/// Equivalent of performing [`format_description::parse()`] at compile time.
54/// Using the macro instead of the function results in a static slice rather than a
55/// [`Vec`](alloc::vec::Vec), such that it can be used in `#![no_alloc]` situations.
57/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations, and implements
58/// the sealed traits required for both formatting and parsing.
59#[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "```rust")]
60#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "alloc"), doc = "```rust,ignore")]
61/// # use time::{format_description, macros::format_description};
62/// assert_eq!(
63/// format_description!("[hour]:[minute]:[second]"),
64/// format_description::parse("[hour]:[minute]:[second]")?
65/// );
66/// # Ok::<_, time::Error>(())
67/// ```
69/// The syntax accepted by this macro is the same as [`format_description::parse()`], which can
70/// be found in [the book](https://time-rs.github.io/book/api/format-description.html).
72/// [`format_description::parse()`]: crate::format_description::parse()
73#[cfg(any(feature = "formatting", feature = "parsing"))]
74pub use time_macros::format_description;
75/// Construct a [`UtcOffset`](crate::UtcOffset) with a statically known value.
77/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations.
79/// A sign and the hour must be provided; minutes and seconds default to zero. `UTC` (both
80/// uppercase and lowercase) is also allowed.
82/// ```rust
83/// # use time::{UtcOffset, macros::offset};
84/// assert_eq!(offset!(UTC), UtcOffset::from_hms(0, 0, 0)?);
85/// assert_eq!(offset!(utc), UtcOffset::from_hms(0, 0, 0)?);
86/// assert_eq!(offset!(+0), UtcOffset::from_hms(0, 0, 0)?);
87/// assert_eq!(offset!(+1), UtcOffset::from_hms(1, 0, 0)?);
88/// assert_eq!(offset!(-1), UtcOffset::from_hms(-1, 0, 0)?);
89/// assert_eq!(offset!(+1:30), UtcOffset::from_hms(1, 30, 0)?);
90/// assert_eq!(offset!(-1:30), UtcOffset::from_hms(-1, -30, 0)?);
91/// assert_eq!(offset!(+1:30:59), UtcOffset::from_hms(1, 30, 59)?);
92/// assert_eq!(offset!(-1:30:59), UtcOffset::from_hms(-1, -30, -59)?);
93/// assert_eq!(offset!(+23:59:59), UtcOffset::from_hms(23, 59, 59)?);
94/// assert_eq!(offset!(-23:59:59), UtcOffset::from_hms(-23, -59, -59)?);
95/// # Ok::<_, time::Error>(())
96/// ```
97pub use time_macros::offset;
98/// Construct a [`Time`](crate::Time) with a statically known value.
100/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations.
102/// Hours and minutes must be provided, while seconds defaults to zero. AM/PM is allowed
103/// (either uppercase or lowercase). Any number of subsecond digits may be provided (though any
104/// past nine will be discarded).
106/// All components are validated at compile-time. An error will be raised if any value is
107/// invalid.
109/// ```rust
110/// # use time::{Time, macros::time};
111/// assert_eq!(time!(0:00), Time::from_hms(0, 0, 0)?);
112/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03), Time::from_hms(1, 2, 3)?);
113/// assert_eq!(
114/// time!(1:02:03.004_005_006),
115/// Time::from_hms_nano(1, 2, 3, 4_005_006)?
116/// );
117/// assert_eq!(time!(12:00 am), Time::from_hms(0, 0, 0)?);
118/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03 am), Time::from_hms(1, 2, 3)?);
119/// assert_eq!(
120/// time!(1:02:03.004_005_006 am),
121/// Time::from_hms_nano(1, 2, 3, 4_005_006)?
122/// );
123/// assert_eq!(time!(12 pm), Time::from_hms(12, 0, 0)?);
124/// assert_eq!(time!(12:00 pm), Time::from_hms(12, 0, 0)?);
125/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03 pm), Time::from_hms(13, 2, 3)?);
126/// assert_eq!(
127/// time!(1:02:03.004_005_006 pm),
128/// Time::from_hms_nano(13, 2, 3, 4_005_006)?
129/// );
130/// # Ok::<_, time::Error>(())
131/// ```
132pub use time_macros::time;
133/// Construct a [`UtcDateTime`] with a statically known value.
135/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations.
137/// The syntax accepted by this macro is the same as a space-separated [`date!`] and [`time!`].
139/// [`UtcDateTime`]: crate::UtcDateTime
141/// ```rust
142/// # use time::{Date, Month, macros::utc_datetime};
143/// assert_eq!(
144/// utc_datetime!(2020-01-01 0:00),
145/// Date::from_calendar_date(2020, Month::January, 1)?.midnight().as_utc()
146/// );
147/// # Ok::<_, time::Error>(())
148/// ```
149pub use time_macros::utc_datetime;